Emergency management: Severe weather

Severe weather conditions across Tasmania have caused a number of power outages.

This web page provides information to support primary healthcare providers until normal business activities can resume. It will be updated as more information comes to hand.

If the information you’re looking for isn’t on this page, please send us an email or call 1300 653 169 and ask to speak to the provider support team.

Vaccine cold chain management

Due to widespread power surges and power outages, vaccine providers are encouraged to prioritise vaccine fridge data logger download.

If temperature readings are outside the +2°C to +8°C range:

  • follow the cold chain breach protocol in the Strive for 5 National Vaccination Storage Guidelines (page 78)
  • download information from the data logger
  • for National Immunisation Program vaccinations, contact Tasmanian Public Health Services on 1800 671 738 for advice
  • for COVID-19 vaccines, contact the Vaccine Operations Centre for advice
  • for all private vaccines, contact your supplier.

Contact us if you need support.

Emergency management resources

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has a range of resources to help general practices manage and recover from emergencies – go to the RACGP website.

Supporting other providers

Can you help another general practice or pharmacy affected by power outages? Please get in touch with us to offer your support.

Useful links

  • TasALERT – Tasmania’s primary source of clear and consistent emergency warnings and information from emergency services and other government agencies.
  • SES Tasmania – this State Emergency Services website has practical information on topics including preparing for, responding to, and recovering from a flood.