Mental health initial assessment and referral (IAR) decision support tool

Mental health initial assessment and referral (IAR) decision support tool

Primary Health Tasmania is supporting implementation of the initial assessment and referral (IAR) guidance and its associated online decision support tool across the state.

This free online tool aims to standardise the assessment of people seeking mental health support in primary healthcare settings, and is now embedded as an optional component of eReferral into Tasmania’s mental health Central Intake and Referral Service (CIRS).

The IAR decision support tool is an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. It was development collaboratively by a multidisciplinary expert advisory group of clinicians, researchers and consumers, and is informed by evidence and best practice.

The tool has been developed to support a stepped care model. It is useful for GPs and mental health clinicians to support clinical judgement and ensure that the person seeking mental health support is matched to the care that most suits their needs at the time.

How does it work?

The IAR decision support tool aims to assist GPs and other mental health clinicians when making decisions on the mental health treatment needs of a person aged 5 or over. It considers the person’s situation across eight holistic assessment domains, and derives a recommendation for the most appropriate level of care.

Outside of general practice, the IAR tool is being used as a part of the intake process for a growing number of services including Medicare Mental Health Centres and the Medicare Mental Health phone line. In the future, it is expected to be used in the intake and referral process for all Australian and state government-funded clinical mental health services.

How does it help?

Implementing the IAR decision support tool across the mental health sector will:

  • ensure the person is matched to care most suited to their current need
  • enable use of common language and a consistent intake process
  • promote nationally consistent definitions and understanding of service types, based on the intensity of care
  • minimise the likelihood of consumers having to repeat information
  • enable efficient and appropriate referrals across the mental health sector
  • support step-down referrals from public health services
  • highlight the range of effective mental health services that are available across the state.

Training opportunities

Online workshops

Primary Health Tasmania is offering free two-hour workshops for Tasmanian GPs, community service staff and all other mental health professionals on use of the IAR decision support tool. The training focuses on:

  • an introduction to the tool and development of the national guidance
  • the assessment domains, levels of care, and using the decision support tool
  • clinical judgement and supported decision making
  • practical application of the tool in assessment and intake settings, using vignettes.

Click here to register for an upcoming IAR training workshop.

In-person training

Primary Health Tasmania also has dedicated IAR training support officers who can deliver training sessions at GP clinics and other service provider sites. They can also facilitate activities to collaborate, build and strengthen multidisciplinary IAR practice, such as communities of practice.

Send us an email to express interest and find out more.

Reimbursement and CPD for GPs

GPs and GPs registrars who complete the two-hour training may be eligible for a one-off payment of $300 as remuneration for their time.

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) members can also access 2 hours of CPD for participating in training.

Click here for more information.

Related videos

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has developed the following explanatory videos about the IAR tool. The first two videos feature GPs, and the third features a Tasmanian with lived experience of mental ill-health.

Helpful links