
Found 5 results for node/deprescribing

to deprescribing antipsychotics 12194 A guide to deprescribing benzodiazepines 12195 A guide to deprescribing bisphosphonates 12196 A guide to deprescribing cholinesterase inhibitors 12197 A guide to deprescribing gabapentinoids 12198 A guide to deprescribing glaucoma eye drops 12199 A guide to deprescribing inhaled corticosteroids 12200 A guide to deprescribing long-acting nitrates…

produced a series of short videos featuring discussion between geriatrician Dr David Dunbabin, GP Dr Amanda Lo and consultant pharmacist Dr Peter Tenni about the deprescribing cycle. Deprescribing: An introduction to deprescribing Deprescribing 1: Consider the patient Deprescribing 2: Medication history Deprescribing 3: Identify potential drug targets…

glaucoma eye drops o non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) o opioids o proton pump inhibitors o statins o vitamin D and calcium • a series of short educational videos • a podcast discussing how to undertake deprescribing with patients. Each guide discusses efficacy, adverse effects, and a recommended deprescribing strategy. A…

…details, go to Our Services Portal. Deprescribing Primary Health Tasmania has supported the development of a range of deprescribing resources, including fact sheets on medications such as antipsychotics, opioids and glaucoma eye drops. Read more about managing medicines. wysiwyg wysiwyg_with_image wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg wysiwyg My Health Record…

…Transfer of Care program sets the standard for transfers of care by promoting a shared approach between organisations, service providers, communities and healthcare consumers Click here to find out more. Managing medicines Primary Health Tasmania has supported the development of a range of deprescribing resources, including fact sheets on medications…